Monday, 9 November 2009

Palliative Medicine Vol 23 No 6 2009

Link to journal online
pp. 482-490
Methodological review: measured and reported congruence between preferred and actual place of death.
Bell, C.L.; Somogyi-Zalud, E.; Masaki, K.H.
pp. 491-501
Symptoms and problems in a nationally representative sample of advanced cancer patients.
Johnsen, A.T.; Petersen, M.A.; Pedersen, L.; Groenvold, M.
pp. 502-511
An evaluation of the implementation of a programme to improve end-of-life care in nursing homes.
Badger, F.; Clifford, C.; Hewison, A.; Thomas, K.
pp. 512-517
An integrated model of provision of palliative care to patients with cystic fibrosis.
Bourke, S.J.; Doe, S.J.; Gascoigne, A.D.; Heslop, K.; Fields, M.; Reynolds, D.; Mannix, K.
pp. 518-525
An evaluation of two decision-making scales for children with life-limiting illnesses.
Knapp, C.; Huang, I.C.; Madden, V.; Vadaparampil, S.; Quinn, G.; Shenkman, E.
pp. 526-536
The supportive and palliative care needs of Australian families of children who die from cancer.
Monterosso, L.; Kristjanson, L.J.; Phillips, M.B.
pp. 537-544
"We will remember them'': a mixed-method study to explore which post-funeral remembrance activities are most significant and important to bereaved people living with loss, and why those particular activities are chosen.
Vale-Taylor, P.
pp. 545-548
Are end-of-life patient education materials readable?
Ache, K.A.; Wallace, L.S.
pp. 549-555
'They're part of the team': participant evaluation of the ACTIVE intervention.
Oliver, D.P.; Washington, K.T.; Wittenberg-Lyles, E.; Demiris, G.; Porock, D.
pp. 556-564
The use of artificial nutrition among cancer patients enrolled in palliative home care services.
Orrevall, Y.; Tishelman, C.; Permert, J.; Cederholm, T.
pp. 565-566
End-of-life decisions in the United Kingdom.
van der Heide, A.; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.; Deliens, L. et al
pp. 567-568
End-of-life decisions in the UK: a response to van der Heide and colleagues.
Seale, C.
p. 569
End-of-life decisions in the United Kingdom involving medical practitioners and legalisation of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide: survey of doctors' attitudes.
Grogan, E.; Beattie, R.; Campbell, C.; George, R.; Harlow, T.; MacGregor, B. et al
p. 570
UK doctors' attitudes to the legalisation of assisted suicide.
Lee, W.; Price, A.; Rayner, L.; Hotopf, M.
pp. 571-572
Liverpool care pathway carers survey.
Mullick, A.; Beynon, T.; Colvin, M.; Morris, M.; Shepherd, L.; Cave, L.; Lowell, J.; Asmall, N.; Carey, I.

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