Monday, 27 October 2008

Palliative care for people with dementia

Palliative care for people with dementia
Willis , S . ; Makaza , M
Mental Health Practice Page: 26-29 2008 Vol 12 Part 2

Perception of Palliative Care and Euthanasia

Perception of Palliative Care and Euthanasia Among Recently Graduated and Experienced Nurses
Tomasz Brzostek
Nursing Ethics
Page: 761 - 776 VOL 15 PART 6 2008-November

Evaluating education in palliative care with link nurses in nursing homes

Evaluating education in palliative care with link nurses in nursing homes
Waldron , M . ; Hasson , F . I . ; Kernohan , W . G . ; Whittaker , E . ; McClaughlin , D .
British Journal of Nursing
Page: 1078-1083 2008 ; VOL 17 ; PART 17

Valuing local diversity in palliative care : translating the concept
Quinn , S . ; Hickey , D
British Journal of Nursing
Page: 1084-1087 2008 ; VOL 17 ; PART 17

Promoting patient - centredness in undergraduate palliative care education

Promoting patient - centredness in undergraduate palliative care education
Gordon T Linklater
Medical Education Vol 42 ; Part 11 Date: November 2008
Page: 1126-1127

Progress in palliative care Vol 16 Part 4 2008

Gatekeeping from palliative care research trials
White , C . ; Hardy , J
Page: 167-172

Online resources in palliative care
Rosielle , D . A .
Page: 173-178